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It's crucial to recognize the dangers associated with mixing chemicals in the workplace. Even seemingly harmless combinations can pose significant risks.
Some chemicals, when combined, can undergo reactions leading to explosive or corrosive outcomes, which may not have been anticipated in risk assessments.
An illustrative example is the tragic case of an office cleaner who inadvertently mixed bleach-based cleaners, resulting in the production of chlorine gas, a highly toxic substance.
Exposure to chlorine gas can cause severe respiratory and mucous membrane irritation, leading to coughing, breathing difficulties, and in extreme cases, even death.
Immediate symptoms: Burning eyes, throat, and nose, coughing, breathing problems.
Severe effects: Chest pain, vomiting, pneumonia, fluid in the lungs, potential fatality.
Skin effects: Pain, inflammation, swelling, blistering upon contact.
Accidents involving chemical mixing can be prevented by adhering to safety precautions and avoiding the combination of incompatible substances.
Do's and Don'ts:
If unsure about chemical compatibility, always refer to safety data sheets and seek guidance from managers or chemical manufacturers.