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For enhanced workplace safety, it's paramount to be well-acquainted with the attributes and classifications of chemicals. Every chemical category presents distinct dangers and necessitates specific handling and storage methods.
Compounds such as ethanol, methanol, and kerosene are exceedingly inflammable. It's imperative to:
Remember, the fumes from these chemicals are both health hazards and fire threats.
Such chemicals readily react with other compounds. Their storage:
Ordinary substances like fertilisers may exhibit oxidising traits, sometimes responding with explosive energy.
Acids and related substances can corrode materials, sometimes triggering explosive interactions. Key points include:
These chemicals can cause skin or eye irritation. This can stem from direct contact or exposure to the substance's fumes.
Poisonous substances can inflict harm through various means, such as ingestion or inhalation. Their impact fluctuates depending on factors like one's age, physique, and the toxin's potency.
These might be solid or liquid substances/mixtures that produce gas via chemical reactions, thereby causing nearby destruction.
Recognising the chemicals in your possession, discerning their dangers, and storing them as per the manufacturer's directives is essential.